Digital Doubt: A Web Developer's Guide to Impostor Syndrome

The horror of flashing cursor on a blank code editor, the worry that the code you nicked from StackOverflow might be crap, the sinking feeling when you overhear colleagues discuss a framework you're never heard of—these might seem like regular workday occurrences. However, for many web developers, they're also triggers for something far more intangible and overwhelming: Impostor Syndrome.

What is Impostor Syndrome?

Impostor Syndrome is the internal belief that, despite your accomplishments, you're a fraud and it's only a matter of time before everyone "finds out." It's not exclusive to the tech industry, but given the fast-paced nature of web development—with its ever-evolving frameworks, languages, and best practices—it's not hard to see why many of us might feel we're constantly playing catch-up or worse still, faking it. Couple that with the knowledge that not a day goes by without some issue popping up in testing, or worse still production, it is little wonder that many web developers are nervous wrecks.

Why Web Developers Are Vulnerable

There are numerous reasons why any web developer might suffer from Impostor Syndrome from time to time, or all the time for that matter. 80% of people report that they feel Impostor Syndrome at some point in their lives. In the web development industry, I wouldn't be surprised if that figure isn't in the high 90's.

Web development is unique when it comes to Impostor Syndrome. The pace at which technology changes can be both invigorating and overwhelming. One day you're a master of a particular framework, and the next, it can seem like old news. This constant evolution, while exciting, can feed our internal impostor, sowing seeds of doubt. After all, if the landscape is always shifting, can we ever truly claim to be experts?

I’ve read that

Impostor Syndrome, when approached correctly, can be a tool, a self-check mechanism, ensuring we never become too complacent. It pushes us to learn, to be ever-curious, to continually strive for growth. The challenge lies not in eliminating it, but in reframing it. Impostor Syndrome is a journey, not a destination. It doesn't define you, but it can refine you.

I’m not even sure what that last sentence means. In my experience, what I know about Impostor Syndrome is that it turns a great job into a nightmare for many people. The people I know who have had bouts of Impostor Syndrome would like to see it crushed rather than reframed. Elimination would be good. Sadly though, it seems that it will always be with us, lucking somewhere inside our heads.

Impostor Syndrome does not seem to discriminate. It doesn’t matter what your education, your age, gender, ethnicity etc, it will still come along and ruin your day, week, month or even your life.

I don't like it. In my own lifr I have had Impostor Syndrome. I had it before I even knew what it was. By the time I did know what it was, I had pretty much got it under control, at least I thought I had.

A book about Impostor Syndrome and Web Developers

It seems that with the rise of CoPilot, StackOverflow, chatGPT, and similar tools, web developers will code even less and come to consider themselves even bigger frauds. This of course is not true. Being a great web developer is not only about coding, it is about problem-solving.

Having been around for an age and having worked with people who have had or still have Impostor Syndrome I thought I'd put together a guide to dealing with it in the web world. This started out as posts on Facebook, but I got a fair number of people contacting me about the posts telling me about their experiences that I thought I'd put it into a book. Which I have. Here is the link;

If you are a web developer and you are suffering from Impostor Syndrome right now, get a copy, it might help. If nothing else, you will know you are not alone.

Impostor Syndrome is very real and prevalent in the web development industry. But remember, it's less about actual incompetence and more about perceived incompetence. The mere fact that you're questioning your abilities indicates a level of self-awareness and commitment that's commendable.

Impostor Syndrome is not just for the new developers, straight out of boot camp or college, it can and does get senior developers as well. You may be the “Go to” in the office, the one that everyone else turns to when they have a web development problem. You are the Obi Wan, the guru, the knowledge, the software ninja, the quiet one who can be relied upon to ensure the ship runs smoothly. Solid and dependable, reluctant to take the credit, happy to put your successes down to luck, or the team, or you will claim it wasn’t such a big deal.

Inside your head though you are convinced that you did get lucky that somehow you managed to pull it off despite your “lack” of experience and knowledge and that next time you won’t be so lucky and next time you will be exposed for the fraud that you most certainly are. Sound familiar?

The feeling of being an "impostor" in one's own life, career, or even personal accomplishments isn't just a fleeting thought. For many, it's a deeply embedded belief system that impacts day-to-day actions, decisions, and self-perceptions. But where does Impostor Syndrome come from? Why does someone who is competent, accomplished, and skilled feel like they're deceiving others? I cover that and a lot more in the book.

I am hoping that "Digital Doubt: A Web Developer's Guide to Impostor Syndrome" is more than just a book; I would like it to be a roadmap to unlocking your full potential as a web developer. Whether you're a beginner just starting your coding journey or an experienced developer seeking to rekindle your self-belief.

Impostor Syndrome Revisited

This is the first book I've published since my PhD many years ago and that doesn't really count, after all it's a thesis rather than a book. I've written articles, blog posts, done podcasts, some YouTube, but this is the first book I've put out there and even though I have been a web developer, writing code for 25 years or more, when I was writing it last year I stopped having completed about 90% of it. I then procrastinated for almost a year! Why? I think it was probably because I figured that I wasn't a person who writes books, I'm a guy who writes code. Impostor Syndrome perhaps?

Impostor Syndrome is a b*stard for sure and if you are a web developer and it is messing with your coding skills, you need to get it sorted. Your own brain is screwing with you in the worst possible way, generally at the worst possible time. Take a read of the book it just might help.

If you do take a read I would appreciate the feedback. This is something that I want to get right, so feedback is welcome.